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----  英文图书信息科学(LIS)的常见重要期刊目录  (http://njcie.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=16&id=1238)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2013/3/19 4:27:56
--  英文图书信息科学(LIS)的常见重要期刊目录
Journal of the American Society for Info. Science & Technology
Library Quarterly
NFD Information—Wissenschaft und Praxis
American Libraries
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
Library & Information Science Research
Journal of Documentation
Reference & User Services Quarterly
Social Science Computer Review
Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie
ASIST Proceedings
Online Information Review
Telecommunications Policy
Information Processing & Management
Journal of Academic Librarianship
Library Trends
Aslib Proceedings
Information Technology & Libraries
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Scholarly Publishing
Social Science Information
Information Outlook
Interlending & Document Supply
International Journal of Legal Information
Journal of Education for Library & Information Science
Journal of the Medical Library Association
Libraries & Culture
Library Journal
Library Resources & Technical Services
Public Libraries
Reference Services Review
Canadian Journal of Information & Library Science
Information Systems Journal
Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems
School Library Journal
School Library Media Research
College & Research Libraries
D-Lib Magazine
Electronic Library
Government Information Quarterly
Microform & Imaging Review
MIS Quarterly
Information Systems Research
Journal of Government Information
Journal of Health Communication
Harvard Library Bulletin
First Monday
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Knowledge Organization
Law Library Journal
Library & Information Science
Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services
Collection Management
Information Research
International Information & Library Review
International Journal of Information Management
Journal of Information Ethics
Journal of Librarianship & Information Science
The Information Society
Internet Research
Journal of Management Information Systems
Information & Management