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[推荐]第五部分课堂讲义——向量空间模型  发帖心情 Post By:2008/4/11 6:25:00 [只看该作者]

4 Vector space model

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Contents of this Chapter
Parametric and zone indexes
Term frequency and weighting
The vector space model for scoring
Efficient scoring and ranking
Reference rank
Vector space scoring and query operator interaction

How to choose the desirable apple from fruiterer?
Facing large collections but only need a little
Rank-order apples based on a score
In fact need not to check every apple
VSM is the study of assigning a score to a query-document pair

4.1 Parametric and zone indexes
Besides viewed as a sequence of terms, most documents have additional structure —— metadata
date of publication
Metadata often is composed of fields and corresponding value

Parametric indexes
It is metric index for each field (say, date of creation) and allows us to select only the documents matching a field specified in the query
Example of retrieval based on fields
Find documents authored by William Shakespeare in 1601
Merge postings from parametric indexes which are the indexes for each field
Some of the fields may assume ordered values, such as dates
The search engine may support querying ranges on such ordered values

Zones and fields
Zone are similar to fields, except the contents of a zone can be arbitrary free text
titles and abstracts
Whereas a field may take on a relatively small set of values, a zone can be thought of as an arbitrary, unbounded amount of text
The possible values of a field should be thought of as finite, for instance, the set of all dates of authorship

The difference of field index and zone index
The dictionary for a parametric index comes from a fixed vocabulary
The dictionary for a zone index must structure whatever vocabulary stems from the text of that zone
Two methods to implement zone index
The dictionary of the latter is lesser

Weighted zone scoring
Given a Boolean query q and a document d, weighted zone scoring assigns to the pair (q, d) a score in the interval [0, 1], by computing a linear combination of zone scores, where each zone of the document contributes a Boolean value
Weighted zone scoring is sometimes referred to also as ranked Boolean retrieval

How to compute weighted zone scoring
gi∈[0,1], ∑gisi=1
si be the Boolean score denoting a match between q and the ith zone
Consider the query shakespeare in a collection in which each document has three zones: author, title and body
Weighted zone scoring in such a collection would require three weights g1, g2 and g3, respectively corresponding to the author, title and body zones. Suppose we set g1 = 0.2, g2 = 0.3 and g3 = 0.5 (so that the three weights add up to 1); this corresponds to an application in which a match in the author zone is least important to the overall score, the title zone somewhat more, and the body contributes even more
Thus if the term shakespeare were to appear in the title and body zones but not the author zone of a document, the score of this document would be 0.8

How to implement weighted zone scoring
A simple approach would be to compute the score for each document in turn, adding in all the contributions from the various zones
We may compute weighted zone scores directly from inverted indexes
We can consider more complex Boolean functions than the binary function, such as term frequency
We may assign a non-zero score to a document even if it does not contain all query terms

How to weighting
Could be specified by an expert
Could be learned using training examples based on machine-learned relevance algorithm

4.2 Term frequency and weighting
A document or zone that mentions a query term more often has more to do with that query and therefore should receive a higher score
Especially for the free text query, a plausible scoring mechanism then is to compute a score that is the sum, over the query terms

How to score the documents
The simplest approach is to assign the weight to be equal to the number of occurrences of term t in document d
This weighting scheme is referred to as term frequency and is denoted tft,d
Map the number of occurrences of t in d to a positive real value
The document is viewed as bag of words model, in which the exact ordering of the terms is ignored
Decide not to index all word, such as stop words

The disadvantage of TF
Raw term frequency as above suffers from a critical problem——All terms are considered equally important
Stop words
Other special terms which have little or no discriminating power in determining relevance
A collection of documents on the auto industry is likely to have the term auto in almost every document which has less discriminating power

Collection frequency & document frequency
Collection frequency
Defined to be the total number of occurrences of a term in the collection
Document frequency
Defined to be the number of documents in the collection that contain a term t
DF is more commonplace to use

The comparison of CF and DF
Complexity of computing
DF is document-level statistic
CF is collection-wide statistic
Other reason
The example from the Reuters collection
we want the few documents that contain insurance to get a higher boost for a query on insurance than the many documents containing try get from a query on try

Inverse document frequency
The idf of a rare term is high, whereas the idf of a frequent term is likely to be low
The example of the Reuters collection of 806791 documents
Tf-idf weighting
tf-idft,d = tft,d × idft

Document vector
Each document is viewed as a vector with one component corresponding to each term in the dictionary, together with a weight for each component
Overlap score measure
The score of a document d is the sum, over all query terms, of the number of times each of the query terms occurs in d

4.3 The vector space model for scoring
How do we quantify the similarity between two documents in this vector space or between query and documents?
Overlap score measure
Dot products

Cosine similarity
The numerator represents the dot product (also known as the inner product) of the vectors V(d1) and V(d2), while the denominator is the product of their Euclidean lengths
The effect of the denominator is thus to length-normalize the vectors V(d1) and V(d2) to unit vectors

Utility of this scoring
Identify a document and seek others like it
“more like this” feature in search engines
Compute the similarity of a query and a document
Note that a document may have a high cosine score for a query even if it does not contain all query terms

4.4 Variant tf-idf functions
Sublinear tf scaling
Maximum tf normalization
Document and query weighting schemes
Pivoted normalized document length

4.4.1 Sublinear tf scaling
It seems unlikely that twenty occurrences of a term in a document truly carry twenty times the significance of a single occurrence

4.4.2 Maximum tf normalization
This methods normalizes the tf weights of all terms occurring in a document by the maximum tf in that document
The term a is a smoothing term whose role is to damp the contribution of the tf term by the largest tf value in d

The advantage of this method
Longer documents often have higher term frequencies merely because they tend to repeat the same words over and over again
Extreme example: take a document d and create a new document d’ by simply appending a copy of d to itself, d’ would be assigned twice as high a score as d

The disadvantage of this method
The method is unstable when a change in the stop word list can dramatically alter term weightings
A document may contain an outlier term with an unusually large number of occurrences of that term, not representative of the content of that document

4.4.3 Document and query weighting schemes
Vector space scoring method hinges on the specific choices of weights
Some principal weighting schemes

SMART notation
The mnemonic for representing a combination of weights takes the form ddd.qqq
The first triplet gives the term weighting of the document vector
The second triplet gives the weighting in the query vector
The first letter in each triplet specifies the term frequency component of the weighting
The second letter specified the document frequency component
The third letter specified the form of normalization used
For example:
lnc.ltc means the document vector has log-weighted term frequency, no idf (for both effectiveness and efficiency reasons), and cosine normalization, while the query vector uses log-weighted term frequency, idf weighting, and cosine normalization

4.4.4 Pivoted normalized document length
Euclidean length of the vector eliminates all information on the length of the original document so that all document vectors turned into unit vectors
But longer documents still are important
Have higher tf values
Contain more distinct terms

Pivoted document length normalization
Suppose that we were given a Boolean judgment of whether or not d is relevant to the query q for each query q and for each document d
Compute a probability of relevance as a function of document length averaged over all queries
Bucket documents by length and compute the fraction of relevant documents in each bucket and the resulting plot may look like the curve drawn in thick lines
The curve in thin lines shows what might happen with the same documents and query ensemble if we were to use relevance as prescribed by cosine normalization Equation
The thin and thick curves crossover at a point p corresponding to document length Lp, which we refer to as the pivot length
The idea of pivoted document length normalization would then be to “rotate” the cosine normalization curve counter-clockwise about p so that it more closely matches thick line representing the relevance vs. document length curve
A normalization factor for each document vector is not the Euclidean length of that vector, but instead one that is larger than the Euclidean length for documents of length less than Lp, and smaller for longer documents

4.5 Heuristics for speeding up VSM computation
The principal cost in computing the output stems from computing cosine similarities between the query and a large number of documents
Achieve speed at the risk of not finding quite the top K documents matching the query

4.5.1 Speedup of standard cosine similarity
Really interested in the relative (rather than absolute) scores
The all non-zero components of the query vector are set to 1
For any document d, the cosine similarity is the weighted sum, over all terms in the query q, of the weights of those terms in d
can be computed by a postings intersection
The final presenting step could not sort the complete set of scores
A better approach is to retrieve only the top K documents in order

4.5.2 Inexact top K document retrieval
Can dramatically lower the cost of computing
In fact, cosine similarity is also a proxy for the user’s perceived relevance
Good inexact retrieval methods do not materially alter the user’s perceived relevance of the top K results

The main idea of this methods
Eliminate a large number of documents without computing their cosine scores
Having a large number of documents in contention increases the cost of computing cosine similarities and selecting in the final stage
Well-suited to free text queries, but not for Boolean or phrase queries

Two-step scheme
Find a set A of documents that are contenders, where K < |A| << N. A does not necessarily contain the K top-scoring documents for the query, but is likely to have many documents with scores near those of the top K

Return the K top-scoring documents in A
Index elimination
Champion lists
Static quality scores and ordering Index elimination
For a multi-term query q, it is clear we only consider
documents that contain many (and as a special case, all) of the query terms
documents containing at least one of the query terms
Only consider documents containing terms whose idf exceeds a preset threshold
Because the postings lists of low-idf terms are generally long
Because low-idf terms are often treated as stop words and do not contribute to scoring

The disadvantage
May end up with fewer than K candidate documents in the output Champion lists
For each term t in the dictionary, we can precompute the set of the r documents with the highest weights for t( the value of r is chosen in advance )
For tf-idf weighting, these would be the r documents with the highest tf values for term t
How to do it
Given a query q, we take the union of the champion lists for each of the terms comprising q and restrict cosine computation to only the documents in A

The disadvantage
A critical parameter in this scheme is the value r, which is highly application dependent
There is no reason to have the same value of r for all terms in the dictionary
Rarer terms could be set to be higher than common terms Static quality scores and ordering
In many search engines, we have an available measure of quality g(d) for each document d that is query-independent and thus static
For instance, in the context of news stories on the web, g(d) may be derived from the number of favorable reviews of the story by web surfers
A direct extension of champion lists
For each term t maintain a global champion list of the r documents with the highest values for g(d) + tf-idf


使用单位时间内的PageRank的变化情况,不过这种方法具有主题偏向性(topic bias),也就是偏向谈论流行性话题的网页


除此以外,有很多评价网络信息的服务站点通常会强调网站内容的名誉度,具体指标包括相关度(Relevance)、信息可*性(Reliability)、权威性(Authority)、内容质量(Quality of Content)、可用性(Usability)和客观性(Objectivity)等
近些年来,诸如全球信息基础设施裁定组织(Global Information Infrastructure Award)等一些机构的排名服务也开始涉足网站质量的评价,包括对作者资质等情况的评价

从理论上看,利用点击流进行分析是一种协同过滤(Collaborative Filtering)技术

4.5.3 How to handle less results
Multi-tiered posting lists
Maintain for each term t two postings lists consisting of disjoint sets of documents
The first list, which we call high, contains the m documents with the highest tf values for t
The second list, which we call low, contains all other documents containing t
When processing a query, we first scan only the high lists of the query terms, computing net scores for any document on the high lists of all (or more than a certain number of) query terms
If we obtain scores for K documents in the process, we terminate
If not, we continue the scanning into the low lists, scoring documents in these postings lists
In this example we set a document threshold of 20 for tier 1 and 10 for tier 2
The tier 1 index only has postings entries with values exceeding 20
The tier 2 index only has postings entries with tf values exceeding 10

4.6 Components of an information retrieval system
How to treat free text queries
The answer of course depends on the user population, the query distribution and the collection of documents
Common process (if query includes 3 terms, such as “rising interest rates”)
Run the user-generated query string as a phrase query
If fewer than K documents contain the phrase, run the two 2-term phrase queries rising interest and interest rates; rank these using vector space scoring, as well
If we still have fewer than K results, run the vector space query consisting of the three individual query terms

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-12-14 09:19:38编辑过]
