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[推荐]《面向对象编程Java》课程大纲  发帖心情 Post By:2008/2/26 23:25:38 [只看该作者]

《Object-Oriented Programming——JAVA》
(Formulated in 2004,Revised in 2008)
Curriculum Number :
Curriculum Title :Java and Object-Oriented Programming
Curriculum Type :Core Course of Specialty
Preposed Curriculum :The Basic of Programming
Postpositive Curriculum:
Credit :4
Teaching Hours :72(54 Theoretical Teaching Hours, 18 Experimental Teaching Hours)
Principle Teacher :Li Shu Qing
Teaching Material :Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel. Java How to Program[M]. Prentice Hall,2004.

This course is aimed at students of Information Management Department.
The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following words such as Simple, Architecture neutral, Object-oriented, Portable, Distributed, High performance, Multithreaded, Robust, Dynamic and Secure. The Java programming language originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating platform. Design and architecture decisions drew from a variety of languages such as Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective C, and Cedar/Mesa. The result is a language platform that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network-based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide Web and the desktop.
This course begins with the basic concept of object-oriented programming in JAVA. Combined demo programming and computer-experiment, it introduces the main characteristic and program methods, which includes data type and conversion, array and String, class declaration and object creation, inheritance and polymorphism, package and interface, exception handling, AWT and Swing programming, application and Applet, the interaction of HTML and Applet, application and database, multi-thread and so on.

Teaching Objective:
Through teaching and learning, the students should master the basic method to program using the Object-Oriented language, comprehend the basic characteristic of Java language, and understand the usage of common class in Java API.

Teaching Methods:
The teaching of this course is mostly in the classroom, combined with practice after school and operating microcomputer experiment. This course has two emphases. One is that teach students express the object-oriented program design with Java. Since these students have not learned other object-oriented programming languages such as C++, the teacher should emphasize the object-oriented characteristic in Java and compare these with other object-oriented programming languages. The other is that the content of Java language includes many specialty technology of network, which increases the magnitude and difficulty of this course in evidence. At last, teacher should introduce some new technology such as C# in each phase of teaching because all the object-oriented programming languages develop rapidly.

Teaching Requirements and Main Points of Each Chapter:

Chapter One: introduction
Teaching Hours :4
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the basic concept and technical characteristics, understand the runtime of Java programming language and master the basic approach to compile the Java program.
Teaching Content:
Section One: the basic concept and technical characteristics of Java
1. The introduce to Java language
2. The history and background of Java
3. The industrial standard types of Java
4. The characteristic of Java
Section Tw the runtime of Java programming language and the main compilation approach
1. The Virtual Machine and Binary Code
2. The principle of running Java program
3. The environments, methods and common tools of Java compilation

Chapter Tw Language Fundamentals
Teaching Hours :8
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the simple statements of input and output, the usage of basic data type, operator, operation priority, common control statement, the concept and usage of function, the concept and usage of array. At last, students should accomplish the simple program according to the requirement of exercises.
Teaching Content:
Section One: the simple statements of input and output of Java
1. The simple statements of input and output
2. The characteristics of Java statements.
Section Tw the basic data type
1. The basic data type
2. The conversion of different data type
Section Three: the usage of operators
1. The usage of each operator in Java
2. The rule of operator priority and combination
Section Four: control statement
1. The function and usage of control statement in Java
2. The usage of break and continue
Section Five: Function
1. The concept and usage of function in Java
2. The usage of function arguments
3. The return value of function
4. The overload of function
Section Six: Array
1. The concept and usage of array in Java
2. The function of array programming

Chapter Three: Class and Object-Oriented Programming
Teaching Hours :8
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the methods to define the class, create the object, the usage of all sorts of modifier, the life circle of object and the concept of class constructor.
Teaching Content:
Section One: class and object
1. The component of class
2. The definition of class and creation of object
3. The usage of inner class
Section Tw the usage of modifier
1. The type and usage rules of class member’s modifier
2. The type and usage rules of class’s modifier
Section Three: the usage of object
1. The creation of object
2. The difference of class and object
3. The difference of object variable and reference variable
4. The life circle and function field of object
5. The usage and principle of static member in Java
Section Four: class constructor
1. The definition and usage of class constructor in Java
2. The overload of class constructor

Chapter Four: Inheritance and polymorphism
Teaching Hours :6
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the concept of inheritance and polymorphism, the characteristics of property and method in inheritance, the inheritance of constructor, the usage of this and super reference variable, the characteristics of abstract class and interface.
Teaching Content:
Section One: inheritance and polymorphism
1. The concept of super class and subclass
2. The definition methods of inheritance
3. The concept and function of polymorphism
Section Tw the characteristics of class member in inheritance
1. The characteristics of property and method in inheritance
2. The usage rules of protected modifier
Section Three: the inheritance and overload of constructor
1. The inheritance rules of constructor
2. The usage of this and super reference variable
3. The usage rules of overload constructor in inheritance
Section Four: abstract class
1. The concept and definition of abstract class
2. The meaning of using abstract class
3. The methods of derive and access the abstract class in inheritance
Section Five: interface
1. The concept and definition of interface
2. The meaning of using interface

Chapter Five: Exception handling
Teaching Hours :4
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the concept and mechanism of exception handling, the main exception class, the methods to catch exception and throw exception, the usage of user-defined exception class.
Teaching Content:
Section One: an introduce to exception handling
1. The concept and mechanism of exception handling
2. The meaning of using exception handling in object-oriented programming
Section Tw main exception class
1. The usage of main exception class
2. The usage of Exception class and the relation between it and other exception class
Section Three: exception throwing and exception catching
1. The usage rules of catching exception and throwing exception
2. The usage of try,catch and finally
3. The meaning of throwing exception
Section Four: user-defined exception class
1. The concept and definition of user-defined exception class
2. The meaning of using user-defined exception class

Chapter Six: Java fundamental class
Teaching Hours :4
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the concept and usage of package, the usage of common class in java.lang package. At last, students should learn to retrieval the technical document of Java API.
Teaching Content:
Section One: package
1. The concept and usage of package
2. The meaning of using package
3. The common package
Section Tw Java.lang package
1. The composition of Java.lang package
2. The usage of Object class, Character class, Math class, String class, Integer class and System class
Section Three: the Java API document
1. The usage of the Java API document
2. The Web Java API document

Chapter Seven: GUI programming
Teaching Hours :8
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the principle and methods to program Java GUI, the usage of events handling, the simple methods of drawing on the screen, the usage of Applet in Web page. After learning this chapter, students should accomplish the GUI program with events handling function.
Teaching Content:
Section One: an introduce to GUI programming
1. The methods of GUI programming in Java
2. The usage of common GUI API in Java
3. The concept and function of container class
Section Tw Java window
1. The concept of awt and swing
2. The usage of common component in swing window
Section Three: events handling
1. The methods of events handling in Java
2. The programming methods of window event, mouse event and keyboard event
Section Four: drawing on the window
1. The framework of drawing on the Java window
2. The methods of drawing common shapes
3. The advanced drawing methods of Java2D and XOR
Section Five: Java Applet
1. The characteristic of programming the Web client
2. The life circle of Applet
3. The methods of programming Applet

Chapter Eight: IO programming
Teaching Hours :2
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the basic framework of IO programming in Java, the concept and usage of stream, the common methods of accessing files based on stream.
Teaching Content:
Section One: basic framework of IO programming
1. The basic framework of IO programming in Java
2. The difference and similarity between Java and other traditional language for IO programming
Section Tw stream
1. The concept of stream
2. The methods of accessing data with stream in Java
3. The difference between character stream and binary stream
Section Three: file accessing
1. The correlative class of accessing files based on stream
2. The common methods of accessing files based on stream

Chapter Nine: JDBC
Teaching Hours :2
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the common methods of JDBC programming, the basic framework of Java application with database.
Teaching Content:
Section One: an introduction of JDBC
1. The methods of setting ODBC data source, configuration data connection of Web database server
2. The difference and similarity between JDBC and ODBC
3. The mechanism of accessing database in Java programming
4. The usage of common database class
Section Tw the basic framework of Java application with database
1. The concept and signification of multi-tiered architecture
2. The basic framework of Java application with database

Chapter Ten: JSP
Teaching Hours :8
Teaching Requirements:
Through the teaching and learning of this chapter, students should master the common methods of JSP programming, the basic framework of Java Web application with database.
Teaching Content:
Section One: the introduction to JSP
1. Web application programming
2. Web server
3. The basic programming with JSP
4. Java Bean and JSP tag
Section Tw MVC programming
1. The basic programming with MVC
2. Web database application based MVC
3. The presentation programming with tag
4. Other JSP programming method and framework

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