-- 作者:admin
-- 发布时间:2008/11/21 7:04:15
-- [推荐]关于Oracle中SQL语法的部分整理资料之一
1 集合运算 1、1 union select * from stu where sex=\'F\' union select * from stu where sid>1;
select * from stu where sex=\'F\' union all select * from stu where sid>1;
1、2 minus select * from stu minus select * from stu where sex=\'M\';
1、3 intersect select * from stu where sex=\'M\' intersect select * from stu where sid>1;
2 复杂查询 2、1 数据准备 CREATE TABLE student ( "NUMBER" varchar2(6) NOT NULL, name varchar2(8) NULL, sex number(1), birthday timestamp NULL, height number(3,2) NULL );
insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000001\',\'黎明\',1,TO_DATE(\'15-4月 -1980\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.78); insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000002\',\'赵怡春\',0,TO_DATE(\'17-12月 -1982\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.77); insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000003\',\'张富平\',1,TO_DATE(\'1-2月 -1981\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.80); insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000004\',\'白丽\',0,TO_DATE(\'20-11月 -1986\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.73); insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000005\',\'牛玉德\',1,TO_DATE(\'1-5月 -1983\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.74); insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000006\',\'姚华\',0,TO_DATE(\'12-5月 -1983\',\'dd-Mon- yyyy\'),1.77);
CREATE TABLE grade ( "NUMBER" varchar2(6) NULL, course varchar2(50) NULL, grade number(3) NULL );
insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000001\',\'A03\',56); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000002\',\'A02\',90); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000004\',\'A02\',77); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000005\',\'B01\',91); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000004\',\'A03\',76); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000003\',\'A03\',67); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000001\',\'B01\',78); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000002\',\'A03\',74); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000002\',\'B01\',86); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000003\',\'A02\',80); insert into grade ("NUMBER",course,grade) values (\'000004\',\'B01\',90);
2、2 投影 2、2、1 简单使用 select * from student;
2、2、2 别名 select name as 姓名,height as 身高 from student
2、2、3 常数列 select name,height,\' 米 \' as 单位 from student
2、2、4 计算列 select name as 姓名,round(height*100,-1) as 身高,\'CM\' as 单位 from student
select name as 姓名,to_char(round(height*100,0)) || \'米\' as 身高 from student
select name,extract(year from sysdate)-extract(year from birthday) as age from student
select distinct substr(name,1,1) as 姓 from student;
2、3 选择 2、3、1 简单使用 select * from student where height>1.76; select * from student where name in (\'黎明\',\'姚华\'); select * from student where substr(name,1,1)=\'黎\'; select * from student where rownum=1;
2、3、2 通配符 select * from student where name like \'黎%\'; select * from student where name like \'黎_\'; select * from student where name=\'黎_\'; select * from student where name like \'x%%x%\' escape \'x\';
2、3、3 NULL insert into student("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday) values(\'000007\',\'刘华\',1,TO_DATE(\'17-2月 -1984\',\'dd-Mon-yyyy\'));
select * from student where height>1.80 or height<=1.80; select * from student where height is not null;
2、4 排序 select * from student order by height; select * from student order by name; select * from student order by height desc; select * from student order by height,name desc;
2、5 连接 2、5、1 笛卡儿乘积 select * from student,grade where student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER"; select * from student cross join grade;
2、5、2 内连接 select * from student inner join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER";
2、5、3 自连接 select A.name,B.name from student A inner join student B on A.height=B.height where A."NUMBER"<B."NUMBER";
2、5、4 外连接 select name from student left outer join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER" where grade is null; 等价于 select name from student,grade where student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER"(+) and grade is null;
2、6 聚合运算 2、6、1 count select count(height) from student; select count(sex) from student; select count(distinct sex) from student; select count(distinct height) from student; select count(*) from student;
2、6、2 max,min,sum和avg select max(height) from student; select min(height) from student; select sum(height) from student; select avg(height) from student;
2、6、3 分组 select sex,count(*) from student group by sex; select height,count(*) from student group by height; select "NUMBER",round(avg(grade),1) from grade group by "NUMBER"; select min(name),round(avg(grade),1) from student inner join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER" group by student."NUMBER" order by avg(grade)
2、6、4 having 1)having和where的等价使用 select height,count(*) from student where height>1.75 group by height; select height,count(*) from student group by height having height>1.75;
2)必须使用having的情况 select height,count(*) from student group by height having count(*)>=2;
3)必须使用where的情况 select height,count(*) from student where sex=1 group by height;
3 统计查询 3、1 row_number select ename,sal,row_number() over(order by sal desc) from scott.emp; select ename,deptno,sal,row_number() over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) from scott.emp;
3、2 rank select ename,sal,rank() over(order by sal desc) from scott.emp; select ename,deptno,sal,rank() over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) from scott.emp;
3、3 dense_rank select ename,sal,dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) from scott.emp; select ename,deptno,sal,dense_rank() over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) from scott.emp;
4 锁定 4、1 行级锁 以SYSTEM登录,执行:select * from student where sex=1 for update of name,height; 在以另外一个SYSTEM登录,执行:select * from student where sex=1 for update of name,height wait 5;
但是可以运行:select * from student where sex=0 for update of name,height wait 5;
此时会等待5秒,只有第一个SYSTEM用户提交或者回滚才能使得第二个SYSTEM用户成功执行,如第一个SYSTEM用户执行: commit;
4、2 表级锁 可以以第一个SYSTEM用户锁定表: lock table student in share mode;
再以第二个SYSTEM用户锁定表: lock table student in share mode;
此时第一个SYSTEM用户不能插入记录(可以多执行几次): insert into student ("NUMBER",name,sex,birthday,height) values ( \'000011\',\'黎明\',1,TO_DATE(\'15-4月 -1980\',\'dd-Mon-yyyy\'),1.78);
5 表分区 表分区有四种方法,分别为范围分区、散列分区、复合分区和列表分区
create table stu ( name number(4) ) partition by range(name) ( partition p1 values less than (2000), partition p2 values less than (6000), partition p3 values less than (MAXVALUE) );
6 同义词 6、1 私有同义词 create synonym emp for scott.emp;
select * from emp;
6、2 公有同义词 create public synonym emp for scott.emp;
grant all on emp to userA;
connect userA/userA;
select * from emp;
7 序列 create sequence count start with 10 increment by 2 maxvalue 2000 nocycle cache 20;
create table stu ( sid integer primary key, name varchar(8) not null, sex char(1) check(sex in(\'M\',\'F\')) );
insert into stu values(count.nextval,\'Tom\',\'M\');
select * from stu;
select count.currval from dual; select count.nextval from dual;
8 视图 8、1 一般使用 create or replace view MaleStu as select * from student where sex=1;
update malestu set height=height+0.01; select * from student;
多表连接视图: create or replace view StuGrade as select name,course,grade from student inner join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER"; select * from StuGrade;
使用函数的视图: create or replace view stuAgeInfo as select name,extract(year from sysdate)-extract(year from birthday) as age from student; select * from stuAgeInfo;
8、2 有检验的视图 insert into malestu("NUMBER",sex) values(\'111111\',0); select * from malestu;
create or replace view MaleStu as select * from student where sex=1 with check option;
insert into malestu("NUMBER",sex) values(\'222222\',0);
8、3 不可更新的视图 1)只读(with read only) create or replace view MaleStu as select * from student where sex=1 with read only;
update malestu set height=height+0.01;
2)违反约束,如视图的字段少于表字段,同时该字段不能为空 字段定义时默认可以为空(语句的生成可以使用“显示SQL”得到)
create or replace view MaleStu as select "NUMBER",name from student where sex=1;
insert into malestu values(\'333333\',\'Lee\');
3)具有聚合函数,伪列、计算列分组等复杂情况 4)具有连接,而且更新多张表 create or replace view StuGrade as select name,course,grade from student inner join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER";
select * from StuGrade;
insert into stugrade values(\'Lee\',\'B304\',67);
此时可以在视图中包含主键以实现键保留表,从而实现对相关表的更新,如: ALTER TABLE GRADE ADD ("ID" NUMBER(10) NULL);
create sequence cid start with 1 increment by 1 maxvalue 1000 nocycle cache 10; update grade set id=cid.nextval; commit; ALTER TABLE GRADE ADD (CONSTRAINT "GRADEPK" PRIMARY KEY("ID")); ALTER TABLE STUDENT ADD (CONSTRAINT "STUPK" PRIMARY KEY("NUMBER"));
create or replace view StuGrade as select grade.id as id,name,course,grade from student inner join grade on student."NUMBER"=grade."NUMBER"; select * from StuGrade;
update stugrade set grade=59 where id=(select min(id) from grade); update stugrade set grade=59 where name=\'黎明\'; select * from StuGrade;
update stugrade set name=name || \'s\' where name=\'黎明\';
select * from user_updatable_columns where table_name=\'STUGRADE\';
8、4 创建带有错误的视图 create or replace force view newview as select * from nontable;
select * from newview;
create table nontable ( name varchar2(6) ); insert into nontable values(\'one\');
select * from newview;
alter view newview compile;
9 索引 通过建立索引,查询时通过索引文件快速搜索命中字段值,再根据ROWID快速定位表记录
9、1 一般使用 create index idxstuheight on student(height);
9、2 索引的类型 索引分为唯一索引、组合索引、反向键索引、位图索引、索引组织表和基于函数的索引
9、2、1 唯一索引 此时不能插入相同的姓名字段值 create unique index uidxnm on student(name);
9、2、2 组合索引 有助于提高选择复合字段的查询效率 create index cidxsh on student(sex,height);
9、2、3 反向键索引 有助于提高连续值字段的索引存储性能 create index ididx on grade(grade) reverse;
9、2、4 位图索引 有助于提高取值较少的字段索引效率 create bitmap index bitidx on student(sex);
9、2、5 索引组织表 将索引和表记录本身组织在一齐 CREATE TABLE studentbak ( "NUMBER" varchar2(6) primary key, name varchar2(8) NULL, sex number(1) NULL, birthday timestamp NULL, height number(3,2) NULL ) organization index;
9、2、6 基于函数的索引 有助于提高利用函数表达式进行的查询效率 create index uppnameidx on student(upper(name));
9、3 索引信息查询 利用user_indexes视图可以得到很多索引信息: select * from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME=\'STUDENT\';
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-12-11 19:59:50编辑过]