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[转帖]复杂网络入门最佳资料:英文经典综述合集  发帖心情 Post By:2017/8/11 14:58:30 [只看该作者]







(1)发表在大家公认的顶尖杂志上,例如物理学的三大综述期刊(Rev. Mod. Phys., Phys. Rep. 和Adv. Phys.),以及Nature、NaturePhysics、Science和Nature Reviews系列上的综述论文;

(2)发表后引用超过1000次的论文(本文的引用数据来自Google Scholar,截止到解放军建军90周年)。

有些综述论文我个人特别喜欢,例如最近在J. Complex Networks和我过Nat. Sci. Rev.上的一些工作。但是为了避免带入太多个人色彩,我都没有选入。如果这些论文足够好,我相信很快就会引用超过1000次。


[Albert2002] Albert, R., &Barabási, A. L. (2002). Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviewsof Modern Physics, 74(1), 47. [Cited 18689 times]

[Dorogovtsev2002] Dorogovtsev, S.N., & Mendes, J. F. (2002). Evolution of networks. Advances in Physics, 51(4),1079-1187. [Cited 3234 times]

[Newman2003] Newman, M. E. J.(2003). The structure and function of complex networks. SIAMReview, 45(2), 167-256. [Cited 16020 times]

[Boccaletti2006] Boccaletti, S.,Latora, V., Moreno, Y., Chavez, M., & Hwang, D. U. (2006). Complexnetworks: Structure and dynamics. Physics Reports, 424(4), 175-308.[Cited 7457 times]

[Dorogovtsev2008] Dorogovtsev, S.N., Goltsev, A. V., & Mendes, J. F. (2008). Critical phenomena in complexnetworks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 80(4), 1275. [Cited 1426 times]


[Strogatz2001] Strogatz, S. H.(2001). Exploring complex networks. Nature, 410(6825), 268. [Cited 7038 times]

[Wang2003] Wang, X. F., & Chen,G. (2003). Complex networks: small-world, scale-free and beyond. IEEECircuits and Systems Magazine, 3(1), 6-20. [Cited 1213 times]

[Alon2007] Alon, U. (2007). Network motifs:theory and experimental approaches. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8(6),450-461. [Cited 2117 times]

[Costa2007] Costa, L. D. F., Rodrigues, F. A.,Travieso, G., & Villas Boas, P. R. (2007). Characterization of complexnetworks: A survey of measurements. Advances in Physics, 56(1),167-242. [Cited 1664 times]

[West2008] West, B. J., Geneston,E. L., & Grigolini, P. (2008). Maximizing information exchange betweencomplex networks. Physics Reports, 468(1), 1-99. [Cited 152 times]

[Estrada2012] Estrada, E., Hatano,N., & Benzi, M. (2012). The physics of communicability in complexnetworks. Physics Reports, 514(3), 89-119. [Cited 131 times]

[Newman2012] Newman, M. E. J.(2012). Communities, modules and large-scale structure in networks. NaturePhysics, 8(1), 25. [Cited 424 times]

[Liu2016] Liu, Y. Y., &Barabási, A. L. (2016). Control principles of complex systems. Reviews ofModern Physics, 88(3), 035006. [Cited 38 times]


[Nowak2006] Nowak, M. A. (2006).Five rules for the evolution of cooperation. Science, 314(5805),1560-1563. [Cited 3197 times]

[Szabo2007] Szabó, G., & Fath, G. (2007). Evolutionary games ongraphs. Physics Reports, 446(4), 97-216. [Cited 1778 times]

[Arenas2008] Arenas, A.,Díaz-Guilera, A., Kurths, J., Moreno, Y., & Zhou, C. (2008).Synchronization in complex networks. Physics Reports, 469(3), 93-153.[Cited 2036 times]

[Castellano2009] Castellano, C., Fortunato, S.,& Loreto, V. (2009). Statistical physics of social dynamics. Reviewsof Modern Physics, 81(2), 591. [Cited 2378 times]

[Perc2010] Perc, M., & Szolnoki, A. (2010).Coevolutionary games—a mini review. BioSystems, 99(2),109-125.  [Cited 1004 times]

[Mülken2011] Mülken, O., & Blumen, A.(2011). Continuous-time quantum walks: Models for coherent transport on complexnetworks. Physics Reports, 502(2), 37-87. [Cited 157 times]

[Goutsias2013] Goutsias, J., &Jenkinson, G. (2013). Markovian dynamics on complex reactionnetworks. Physics Reports, 529(2), 199-264. [Cited 61 times]

[Pastor2015] Pastor-Satorras, R., Castellano, C., VanMieghem, P., & Vespignani, A. (2015). Epidemic processes in complexnetworks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 87(3), 925. [Cited 484 times]

[Rodrigues2016] Rodrigues, F. A.,Peron, T. K. D., Ji, P., & Kurths, J. (2016). The Kuramoto model in complexnetworks. Physics Reports, 610, 1-98. [Cited 80 times]

[Boccaletti2016] Boccaletti, S.,Almendral, J. A., Guan, S., Leyva, I., Liu, Z., Sendi?a-Nadal, I., Wang, Z.& Zou, Y. (2016). Explosive transitions in complex networks’ structure anddynamics: Percolation and synchronization. Physics Reports, 660,1-94. [Cited 9 times]


[Barthélemy2011] Barthélemy, M. (2011). Spatialnetworks. Physics Reports, 499(1), 1-101. [Cited 1062 times]

[Holme2012] Holme, P., & Saram?ki, J. (2012).Temporal networks. Physics Reports, 519(3), 97-125. [Cited 994 times]

[Gao2012] Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Stanley, H.E., & Havlin, S. (2012). Networks formed from interdependent networks. Nature Physics, 8(1), 40. [Cited 616 times]

[Malliaros2013] Malliaros, F. D.,& Vazirgiannis, M. (2013). Clustering and community detection in directednetworks: A survey. Physics Reports, 533(4), 95-142. [Cited 198 times]

[Boccaletti2014] Boccaletti, S.,Bianconi, G., Criado, R., Del Genio, C. I., Gómez-Gardenes, J., Romance, M., Sendi?a-Nadal, I., Wang, Z. & Zanin, M. (2014). Thestructure and dynamics of multilayer networks. PhysicsReports, 544(1), 1-122. [Cited 826 times]


[Barabasi2004] Barabasi, A. L., & Oltvai,Z. N. (2004). Network biology: understanding the cell's functionalorganization. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5(2), 101. [Cited 6018 times]

[Borgatt2009] Borgatti, S. P., Mehra, A.,Brass, D. J., & Labianca, G. (2009). Network analysis in the socialsciences. Science, 323(5916), 892-895 [Cited 2098 times]

[Costa2011] Costa, L. D. F., Oliveira Jr, O.N., Travieso, G., Rodrigues, F. A., Villas Boas, P. R., Antiqueira, L., Viana,M. P. & Correa Rocha, L. E. (2011). Analyzing and modeling real-worldphenomena with complex networks: a survey of applications.Advances in Physics, 60(3), 329-412. [Cited 395 times]

[Lu2012] Lü, L., Medo, M., Yeung,C. H., Zhang, Y. C., Zhang, Z. K., & Zhou, T. (2012). Recommendersystems. Physics Reports, 519(1), 1-49. [Cited 512 times]


[Fortunato2010] Fortunato, S. (2010). Communitydetection in graphs. PhysicsReports, 486(3), 75-174.[Cited 5625 times]

[Lu2011] Lü, L., & Zhou, T.(2011). Link prediction in complex networks: A survey. Physica A, 390(6),1150-1170. [Cited 1037 times]

[Ermann2015] Ermann, L., Frahm, K.M., & Shepelyansky, D. L. (2015). Google matrix analysis of directednetworks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 87(4), 1261. [Cited 38 times]

[Zanin2016] Zanin, M., Papo, D., Sousa, P. A.,Menasalvas, E., Nicchi, A., Kubik, E., & Boccaletti, S. (2016). Combiningcomplex networks and data mining: why and how. Physics Reports,635, 1-44. [Cited 17 times]

[Lu2016] Lü, L., Chen, D., Ren, X. L., Zhang, Q. M., Zhang, Y. C.,& Zhou, T. (2016). Vital nodes identification in complex networks.Physics Reports,650, 1-63. [Cited 48 times]

[Zhang2016] Zhang, Z. K., Liu, C., Zhan, X. X.,Lu, X., Zhang, C. X., & Zhang, Y. C. (2016). Dynamics of informationdiffusion and its applications on complex networks. Physics Reports,651, 1-34. [Cited 10 times]

[Fortunato2016] Fortunato, S., & Hric, D. (2016). Community detectionin networks: A user guide. Physics Reports, 659, 1-44. [Cited 67 times]

[Liao2017] Liao, H., Mariani, M. S., Medo, M.,Zhang, Y. C., & Zhou, M. Y. (2017). Ranking in evolving complex networks. PhysicsReports, 689, 1-54. [Cited 0 times]

[Nguyen2017] Nguyen, H. C., Zecchina, R., &Berg, J. (2017). Inverse statistical problems: from the inverse Ising problemto data science. Advances in Physics (in press).[Cited 5 times]





有一些关联很强的综述,例如Clauset等人关于Power law的实证研究,因为不是从网络出发,所以没有选入。

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